
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Little Less of Me

Went to the doctor today and things finally seem to be looking up. My medication is working, my attitude is improved since... incidences occurred and, oh yeah, I've lost 14 freakin' pounds.

I usually HATE getting on the scale at doctors offices because, like all women, I am ruled by the slightest tilt or shiver as I wait to be told just how horrendously awful I actually look. Today, however, was a pleasant surprise as I stared at the numbers and was told "Wow, you've lost 14 pounds since I last saw you!"

I swear, I feel silly even typing this, I felt lighter than air in that moment. 14 pounds may not be all the weight I need to lose but DAMN if it isn't good to hear.

I was giddy for the rest of the visit and the ride home, even when I got home I skipped off to see my nephews, playing with them for a while. It wasn't until I got home that something hit me.

Being told I lost weight should not make me this happy. I mean, YAY for getting fit and healthy and all that jazz but, I should feel this good about myself even without having the slight validation of a nurse telling me I've lost weight. (Yeah I know, I'm a downer but geeze if this didn't just take the fun out of feeling all cool and skinnier for a moment)

It made me realize, however, that I CAN feel this good without stepping on a scale and getting good news.

So.. dances and puppies for self-love.


PS.. Yeah, so still a bit jazzed over the weight loss. So sue me.


  1. Yay Manda

    Soooo happy to hear that you're happy about the weight loss. Yes you should be happy all the time about how you look, but you'll get there, I know ya will

    Keep Smilin

  2. We truly do commend you on your 14-lb weight loss! You are right, you should be able to be happy regardless, but we are right with you in terms of finding it a hell of a lot easier to pack pounds on than it is to shed them. May you continue to stay in the best of health and be happy all the time!
    XYYZ17 (from Torvea's)

  3. HOOORAH! Go Manda!
