I know many women that have a list of what makes someone her perfect man.
And I was thinking about it today, after finishing Jane Eyre (if you know me at all you know how those classics get me going).
And at first my list was long and filled with impossible things like "Mysterious man who has trouble saying what he feels but always comes out of shell for me; also has the wit of Shakespeare, the imagination of M. Night Shyamalan, the heart of Fitzwilliam Darcy, the daftness of Albert Einstein, plays guitar like Jeff Buckley, sings like John Gallagher Jr, dances like Gene Kelly and loves me just the way I am." Yeah... Even if a guy like that DID exist, which is most certainly impossible seeing as it would cause the universe to implode, he totally would be too busy with some hot model-type to even know I existed hahaha.
Then I thought about it.
And I realized what would truly make someone my perfect guy.
It's only one thing, which sounds ludicrous after my massive list above.
My perfect man will find something beautiful about me.
Whether it's my eyes, my voice, my laugh, the way I blush over the stupid things, the way I smile when I read something funny but I don't want to share it with anyone just yet because it's better to be kept a secret, even if it's not really a secret because it's in a published book read by thousands; Or even the way I ramble on long tangents for no apparent reason other than I feel the need to get as much detail in as possible so that the other person can truly understand and feel what I'm babbling on about.
Even is it's something as stupid as finding the way I sometimes snort when I laugh adorable.
Because if someone finds something truly beautiful about you, I'm certain that in a way they will cherish you for as long as he has that to grasp onto.
And all of this revelation has come from something, something I only realized recently: I deserve someone that will cherish me.
I may loud, jiggly in several wrong areas, annoying and opinionated; but I'm beautiful in many ways. It took a lot for me to realize this, as anyone who stuck around long enough to read this far probably knows.
Someday, I'll find my perfect man. And when I do, I'll probably make a mess out of it like I make a mess out of everything, but that's ok. I'm human. I've made tons of mistakes and I'll probably make tons more. But I can not let my fear rule my actions; it's time to put myself out there.
(Which shouldn't be too hard since I'm a loud mouth who randomly talks(and frightens) strangers, eh?)
Anyway.. if anyone stuck around to read all of this, give me your thoughts.
What makes your perfect man/woman?
Anything you wanna say, say it.
What's the point of having friends if you can't be blatantly honest with them?
Much love and giggles,