
Friday, April 16, 2010

Again, my friends are love

Ben on why he called Will a whore:

"I recall he once told you at some point that he had sex with me. When I asked when this took place, I think the response was "always". If that is not whore-like I don't know what is. Also because he is smart, and smart whores rock."

Edit: Another Ben Moment

Ben: You are not a bitch
Manda: I kind of am
Ben: Well, then you are my favorite bitch.

I love you, Benny


  1. I love you. This m,akes me too happy.
    *goes to get on the Happy Boat*

  2. ok I dont need food for this comment lmao Ben is AWESOMEness, I remember once you told me you feared Id not like him, there is nothing not to like :D
